Applicant: AAA Egg Co Pty Ltd & Springton Nominees
File Ref: Development Services Apps / Development
Applications / 2014 / 38
Date: 15 August 2014
AAA Eggs
The proponent is seeking planning approval for a free range poultry farm located on Lot 4 Mimegarra Road, Cataby. The application is required to be determined by the Regional Development Assessments Panel (Wheatbelt JDAP).
The subject development is to be located on portion (approx. 400 acres) of lot 4 Mimegarra Road (approx. 741 Ha) owned by Springton Nomimees. The proposed site for the Poultry Farm is in the north east corner of the lot adjoining Mimegarra Road. Land to the north and west of the subject lot is unallocated crown land, The land to the south and east is general rural use with a small scale poultry abattoir proposed at Lot 5 Mimegarra and existing carrot farms to the south west.
The proposal consists of:
·         15 egg laying sheds approximately 128m x 17m and height of 5m
·         3 pullet rearing sheds approximately 18m x 13m
·         2 silos approximately 8m high.
·         2 managers residences
·         Workers accommodation and recreational facilities
·         Coolroom / workshop
The maximum number of laying hens on site will be 300,000.
The objective for ‘Rural’ zoned land in Local planning Scheme no.7 is
Rural Zone
To provide for a range of rural activities such as broadacre and diversified farming so as to retain the rural character and amenity of the locality, in such a way as to prevent land degradation and further loss of biodiversity.
A free range poultry farm fits under the land use “animal husbandry – intensive” Under the Scheme this is defined as:
“animal husbandry – intensive” means premises used for keeping, rearing or fattening of pigs, poultry (for either egg or meat production), rabbits (for either meat or fur production) and other livestock in feedlots.
Agriculture Intensive, Agroforestry, and Animal Husbandry -Intensive are “D” uses (discretionary approval) in a Public Drinking Water Supply Areaa where Council will have due regard to the potential impact on groundwater quality.
5.22.1 Public Drinking Water Source Reserves
Public Drinking Water Reserves are located close to existing townsites and are covered by Water Source Protection Plans prepared by the Water and Rivers Commission (now Department of Environment and Conservation – DEC). Guidelines are available from DEC which establish whether a proposed use is compatible, incompatible or could be approved with conditions to protect water quality and supply.
In considering any development within a Public Drinking Water Source Area (PDWSA) Council will have due regard for the potential impact on water supplies and the compatibility of the proposed use. Any development in conflict with the DEC guidelines must be a referred to DEC for comment to ensure water quality protection of the public drinking water reserves.
5.22.2 Groundwater Areas
Groundwater protection areas have been established by the Water and Rivers Commission (now DEC) known as the Jurien Groundwater Area and Gingin Groundwater Area. Landowners and developers are required to obtain a licence prior to the construction of a bore or well on any property for groundwater extraction except for stock or domestic purposes. The proposed poultry farm is located in the Bassendean soil precinct.
The Department of Regulation, Department of Parks and Wildlife (both the previous DEC) and Department of Water have been consulted on this application. The Department of Water have provided initial comment, and are presently working on providing additional more detailed comment.