Starlink WiFi Internet

Eion Musk has enabled us to have state of the art wifi – Internet here in Redgum Village Dandaragan


Yes even the tiny town of Dandaragan has access to this very effective internet service.

Every room and all locations at Redgum Village has free access to this stable internet connection via wifi. There are 15 of these ubiquity boosters ( the small white cylinders) thruout the Village for blanket coverage. Even the main dish looks small yet packs a mean punch. It self finds the best signal to 99% effectiveness.
All you do is log onto the free service and away you go surfing the net.

For now its a try and see how it goes. If to heavier downloading or streaming occurs we will have the option soon of a paid service say $15 a day for full GigaByte access

Reverse Omosis Water Treatment Plant

Redgum Village hada Reverse Omosis water treatment plant installed in early 2022.
Every room has this new treated water thru their bathrooms and all outdoor taps.
We didnt have to install this unit and we decided to simply because we wanted better tasting water and more friendly to all water related appliances.
Even the toilet has RO water 🙂

Treats the water then adds goodies back into it so it still has flavour and body – the good stuff you get from water.
With the whole Village now on treated water there is no need for disposable water bottles as all drinking water from the taps is more purer than most bottled water 🙂

Big shout out to Tom and the guys from Athena Water Service for the Installation and building the right unit to suit our water and ourrequirements to Redgm guests.


More Redgum Renovations

Redgum Village has had another Kitchen Servery Upgrade to keep up with demand and local health regulations.
Once we added this lovely big girl to the servery we wondered how the heck we got by without her !
And her colder sister 🙂









We are so blessed to be busy here at Redgum and very aware this can change in a heart beat. While the stars are shining it has given us great opportunity to upgrade Redgum Village to a standard accepted by todays expectations.
Very fortunate to have head chef Julie and kitchen hands Ellie and Nickie plus Melinda and extra staff helping with the rooms and grounds. Good ole Cheyanne is in one of those pics above.
Cannot forget young Rusty 🙂 Will do a special post just about him, hope you like a long read … he’s just such a loverly guy.

When Redgum is busy so are many other people. Many businesses local and in Perth benefit from us being busy so lets just keep doing what we are doing and hopefully more business will come this way. Then we can keep staff employed and help prop-up businesses that supply us 🙂
So grateful that Matt the Vege man doesn’t stress when our order is 2 grand one week and 200 the next or Farmer Jacks when we order 60 loaves one week and none the next then 60 again. Sometimes go in there and buy 20 milk at once and raid the bargain bin too.
Got a few looks when the spud shed in Joondalup had a bacon special, I did ask if there was a limit per person, they said no so I took 90 one kilo packets of a good brand too. The next week grabbed another 24 and another 30. Wont say what the saving was but it covered a few months of fuel. The joy of a big walk in freezer, gotta cover the 4k a moth power bill some how and the 1000 a month for the solar installation.

Fire Dandaragan

What a way to start 2021. The Dandaragan Shire was covered in fires, not in the township of Dandaragan or near Redgum Village.
The fires were fierce in the Regans Ford area and west towards Lancelin.
Cataby and north to Badgingarra didn’t escape the rage of this summers 2021 fire path.
Fortunately no lives were lost and minimal property, however many thousands of native bush hectares weren’t so lucky. Along with the wildlife that lives amongst it.
Once again main front line fire crews from around the WA state gathered in their hundreds to contain these fires.
With command posts at Gin Gin oval then up to Regans Ford they had the personnal on hand to get these fires under control.
The constant super strong constant winds ensured this battle would rage for days and into weeks.

Fires Dandaragan

A phone call from fire emergency staff requesting accommodation for a fire crew at Redgum Village went from a group of 6 to a total of 55 between day and night shift.
Rooms were available at a moments notice and when there was a mix up on food for one crew onsite Redgum organised a full hot breakfast within 30 minutes of the call.
The guys and ladies were all fed and off to bed at 8.30am ready for the next shift at 4pm
Like any major emergency of this nature there will always be a mix up or a crew left out and that is what we are prepared for here and only need a phone call and your request gets answered without question without drama, it is done.

Have you got your fire plan in action?

People come first especially in emergency cases.
The thanks we received from both the fire fighters and the organising lady from comms makes doing what needs to be done on the spot super rewarding. Yet it cost us nothing extra to do, we are here anyway and food-accommodation is what we do. Cannot understand why they thought we did something special for them. Can only imagine what they must go through when they cannot get simple basic service under emergency situations in some areas they work in.

fire crew redgum village

Big thankyou to our front line fire fighters once again for saving lives, protecting property and minimising bush and wildlife damage.

fire dandaragn


fire dandaragan

Redgum Village About Us  

fire redgum village

fire redgum village

Slaughter Joins Harvest Road Team

Paul Slaughter has been announced as Harvest Road Group’s new chief executive officer.
The appointment of a new chief executive officer (CEO) has signalled a new phase of domestic and international growth for Harvest Road Group.

So far 2020 has been a big year for Harvest Road investment wise, purchasing its first cattle station in the Kimberley and two properties at Hill River, launching its new aquaculture brand Leeuwin Coast, which includes Akoya oysters and mussels in the Albany region, along with continuing to establish its major Koojan feedlot and processing facility, near Moora.
Harvest Road is WA’s largest beef processor which is locally owned by rich listers Andrew and Nicola Forrest.
Paul Slaughter will steer the company through this next stage of growth, replacing the inaugural CEO Greg Harvey who stepped down from the role a few weeks ago.

Dandaragan feedlot

With 25 years’ of experience in the food services, wholesale and retail sectors, as CEO for Mrs Mac’s Australia and New Zealand, Tattarang (the parent company of Harvest Road) chief investment officer John Hartman said Mr Slaughter expertise would deliver growth and brand development across local and emerging markets.

“Our investment in Harvest Road has created world-class integrated supply chain capabilities and export growth into 40 markets,” Mr Hartman said.
“We look forward to working with Paul to seize further opportunities to share the best of our local produce with the rest of the world.”

Mr Slaughter said it was a privilege to join the group.

“It is a great opportunity to build on its incredible legacy and commitment to showcasing Western Australia’s exceptional produce to the rest of the country and the world,” Mr Slaughter said.

“We have an opportunity now to expand Harvest Road’s place at the heart of WA’s growing international food reputation.”

It’s been six-and-a-half years since the Forrest family purchased Harvey Beef and Mr Hartman said there were three key industry challenges the group faced at the time and has been working through.

“WA needed a modern, efficient processing business and we needed to invest into Harvey Beef to make sure that happened,” he said.

“Farmers needed an efficient processor to maximise the value of their cattle to access both the domestic and export markets.

“That led to us improving the management at Harvey Beef and investing a significant amount of capital into the processing facilities.”

Seasonality of the cattle supply chain has been another challenge, which Mr Hartman said the Koojan facility would help to address.

He said the facility would also benefit the WA beef industry in “providing another avenue for producers to send their cattle to, while also creating a new source of domestic demand for WA grain”.

Koojan is set to accommodate 40,000 cattle at any one time in the first phase, which Mr Hartman said was expected to commence in July 2021 and WA Governor Kim Beazley visited the facility last week to see its progress.

Once operational, Koojan will be WA’s largest feedlot, reportedly worth about $51.9 million.

Koojan’s manager is Sean McGee, who is highly regarded in the Australian cattle industry, having previously been the feedlot manager of Rangers Valley, near New England, New South Wales.

Mr McGee has been working on the site for some time, as it is currently being utilised as a cattle depot for Harvest Road’s station cattle.

Addressing sales channels, marketing strategies and value adding was a third area that Harvest Road has been targeting since it acquired Harvey Beef and Mr Hartman said Mr Slaughter’s appointment would be key in this area.

“While we will always keep trying to improve efficiency at Harvey Beef and keep seeking to optimise the cattle supply chain, I see so much opportunity to optimise the sales channels for our products – beef or aquaculture – and also to make sure that we’re telling the strong story about the WA provenance, both domestically and internationally,” Mr Hartman said.

Harvest Road’s beef is about a 50:50 split between domestic and export markets, with its export products being chilled and frozen meat only, no live cattle.

Looking at the growth of Harvest Road’s beef business in the past six years, Mr Hartman sees the company’s venture into aquaculture taking a similar business direction.

“We have grown the beef business very strongly in the past six years and in the past 18 months, the growth that we are now seeing in aquaculture I see in a similar way to where we were for Harvest Road beef six years ago,” he said.

“We are at the start of something very exciting on our aquaculture journey.”

While Tattarang and Harvest Road has been an active buyer so far this year, Mr Hartman said the company was not actively looking to purchase more land in the near future, however “we are always on the lookout for a good deal”.

“Whilst we continue to keep an eye out, we are not actively pursuing any additional opportunities at the moment,” he said.

The group also has no plans to venture into grain production or acquire cropping properties to supply its own feed.

“We look forward to creating some great relationships with grain producers to help supply the Koojan facility,” Mr Hartman said.

Including utilising accommodation in Dandaragan

The future of the agricultural industry looks very positive, according to Mr Hartman, as he sees demand for Harvest Road’s agri-food products to continue into the long-term future.

“We think people are going to become more aware of where their food is being produced and how it’s being produced and we are seeking to lead the charge when it comes to traceability and sustainability in production,” he said.

Mr Hartman said the company viewed animal welfare as a priority as it was a major factor looked upon by its consumers, coupled with sustainability.

“We are very conscious of sustainability in all parts of the operation – whether that’s greenhouse gas emissions, water usage etc,” Mr Hartman said.

“The way that our agricultural products are produced and the desire for transparency from consumers in how they are produced is a dynamic that will continue to increase.

“For us, that is at the forefront of our mind – in the investments we make and the businesses that we operate and how they operate.”

Harvest Road’s sustainability commitment is evident through its research that is occurring over the next 18 months to map carbon emissions across its entire supply chain, with a covered anaerobic lagoon underway at its Harvey Beef site in the South West.

Harvest Road has also made an investment into the business FutureFeed, a livestock feed supplement which utilises a specific type of seaweed to increase production while simultaneously reducing methane emissions.

Redgum Village Renovation Update

Redgum Village has had a massive upgrade

Over the last 6 months Redgum has en-suited every room to keep up with expectations for mine camp style accommodation.
The kitchen also has more modern appliances including a new combie oven (this certainly made our cook very happy)

Added store room with added walk-in freezer, with two we can keep all meat separate to other frozen items.
The serving area has been re arranged and all dining is in the 40 seat area where we tried out the Redgum Restaurant.
Dandaragan does not need a Restaurant so is now a lovely country barn theme Dining area for all onsite guests.

Many veranda’s have been upgraded and social gathering areas added to keep gatherings smaller and more of them

Around 200 trees and shrubs have been planted, more blue metal on driveways and parking, more truck parking areas and up the back a big clean up, tidy up, re skin of buildings, tree line on boundary, vertical garden in between buildings, clothes line area and chill out area to soak up the setting sun 🙂

Let the pics do the talking ….


Dandaragan’s Changing Landscape

The landscape around Dandaragan is changing daily with wind towers popping up and large walls of yellow sand dominating the skyline and road verges within the triangle of Cataby Regan’s ford and Dandaragan. Even slightly further south near Wannamal Rd there is a humongous pile of sand that virtually appeared overnight next to the other long yellow sand stretch of their new mineral sands mine.
Is this good or bad for Dandaragan? The environment? Tourism? Local business etc.. well that all depends on who you are and what you do for a living.
Personally its happy days for Redgum as we have battled to keep the Village open over the 20 years of existence. Even more so since 2010 when we departed our ways from the shearing industry.
If we didn’t think Iluka mineral sands and The Yandin windfarm were going to ever eventuate we may have pulled the plug many years ago.

Yandin Wind Farm

Mind you once the go ahead for both those projects got the green light it wasn’t exactly crimson and roses. When Iluka had the option to use the old Tronox camp while they built the new camps good ole Redgum was simply left completely out of the picture.
Many sleepless nights of why and what the f.. is happening here why isn’t local business being supported rah rah rah. Eventually we just got over it and looked for other opportunities and sure enough they presented themselves.
The windfarm contractors, sub-contractors and other workers did use our facilities early on then they too found other options. Ones that included houses, beaches, pubs with restaurants and a bit of extra travel. Can’t knock that as the towns enjoyed the extra business and if I had a choice of travelling from Lancelin by the beach or staying in Dandaragan at a working persons camp …..
Then again if you cook my food and it’s a 5min drive to work ….
Comes down to company costings and in some cases personal preference. It’s quite cheap to put 4 guys in a house and give them a food and travel allowance per day. Plus 30 to 40 mins travel isn’t overboard these days.

Dandaragan Wind Farm

The many thousands of dollars upgrading the older rooms of Redgum to en-suite started to appeal to some companies and so far this year we have been quite busy.
Funny enough Redgum is allowed to have 99 people on site and with communal rooms we could do this. Now as we have virtually eliminated all shared rooms, we have decreased our capacity to our actual room numbers of 62. And honestly, that is enough.
Also, with current govt social distance guidelines in place, one person per room gives them plenty social separation. Even the outdoor entertaining areas are spread out with limited seating. More places to chill out but less seating per area. A reduction in total persons on site at Redgum has been very beneficial. I would not like to think if this pandemic was back in the day when we had 90 backpackers on site, fuuurk the powers that be would have shut us down for sure, that’s if we didn’t close voluntarily. Trying to police social distancing would’ve been a logistical nightmare.

Dambadgee Springs

Lots going on in Dandaragan at the moment, lots of new Roadworks too which is all very beneficial long term for the Dandaragan Shire.

About Us


Powdered Milk Dairy in Dandaragan Shire

Radical proposal to build a billion-dollar, effluent-powered dairy for baby formula market

WA Country Hour
By Joanna Prendergast
Updated 9 Mar 2020,

PHOTO: A Chinese backed dairy company is hoping to build a $1 billion dairy in WA’s Mid West. (ABC Rural: Kim Honan)
Insatiable Asian demand for Australian baby formula has sparked a radical proposal from a Chinese-backed company to build a $1.2 billion, effluent-powered dairy and milk powdering plant in Western Australia.
Key points:
• A plan to build WA’s first milk powdering plan has been proposed by Chinese-backed company WADE
• The company says it intends to operate exclusively as an exporter, but local producers have concerns about the potential impact on the domestic market
• If approved, the plant would be fully operational by 2024 and would create as many as 480 ongoing jobs, the company says
WA Dairy and Energy (WADE) plans to build a 24,000 head free stall dairy south of Badgingarra, in the state’s Mid West region, which would produce 30,000 tonnes of powdered milk per annum.
WADE CEO Ian Thubron said due to the project’s large water requirements for feed production, and the depth of the aquifer at Badgingarra, a self-sufficient and cheaper source of power was needed — effluent.
“Effectively, a pure dairy business becomes a dairy energy and cropping business,” he said.
Mr Thubron said a definitive feasibility study was yet to be completed, but a positive pre-feasibility study on the $1.2b project had spurred WADE and its backer, Tsing Capital Australia, to push forward with the plan.

Baby formula target market
Mr Thubron said the milk produced at the operation would be processed into formula onsite and exported to Asian markets.
He did not view the project as potential competition to the domestic-focussed WA dairy industry.
“Essentially we will receive the milk, we will process it into the branded infant milk product, and that will then be exported through one of the ports or airports available to us,” Mr Thubron said.
“We are looking at producing all of our product for export.
“So, whilst our primary production point might be slightly higher, we add value through processing and branding for export.”

Dandaragan dairy

Concerns for domestic producers South West dairy consultant Steve Hossen said service providers to the contracting WA dairy industry would benefit from such a large dairy enterprise, but he said it posed a risk to any price hikes the existing dairy industry may benefit from.
“We’ve got predominately a domestic market, and that market runs up when milk is short in the state,” he said.
“If that market runs up, and the price goes up … think of yourself as a processor sourcing milk more expensive than this supplier who is 250 kilometres out of Perth, that milk at times will make its way into the domestic market.
“We need to have those runs up in price to help cover the difficult phases we get.

dandaragan shire dairy

PHOTO: Asian demand for Australian made infant formula is expected to remain strong. (ABC Rural: Joshua Becker)

Water licence essential
WADE has the option to purchase two properties near Badgingarra and is currently drilling for water in the area after being granted a 26D licence from the WA State Government.
Mr Thubron said a large volume of water was needed for the project, and a successful application for groundwater access was crucial for the project to go ahead.
“The Yarragadee sub-aquifer is not taken at the moment because the water is too deep to be economically viable to take,” he said.
“We are looking at somewhere over 10 gigalitres, but that will have to be determined based on what the hydro-geological report.”
Water licences in WA are assessed under the Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914, which operates on a first in, first served basis.
PHOTO: Dairy cattle would live in free stall barns under a proposal by WA Dairy and Energy at Badgingarra in WA. (ABC Rural: Kim Honan)
Hundreds of ongoing jobs
Mr Thubron said WADE had identified Badgingarra as a suitable location for the venture following a 2012 State Government report into building the dairy industry.
“The reason they determined the Mid West was because of the climate being suitable for the cows, the availability of water, the Brand Highway, the Bunbury Dampier gas pipeline, high-voltage power and so on,” he said.
If the project goes ahead, Mr Thubron said it would create 480 ongoing jobs, and 950 construction jobs.
The next steps include community consultation and a definitive feasibility study, but Mr Thubron hoped earth could be turning on the site as soon as the end of the year.
“It is a very long-term project,” he said.
“You can’t suddenly create a herd of 20,000 cows and barns and start producing, so the whole thing will be phased over a three to four year period.
“We will have phases the will come online during the course of the project, so by the time we get to 2024 when we’ve completed it, we will have started producing over that period of time.

PHOTO: Badgingarra is typically a sheep and broadacre farming area. (ABC News: Jessica Hayes)
Free stall dairy model
The project plans to have 20,000 head of cattle milking by 2024 using a free stall system.
“Our cows are born and grow up in paddocks, at about two years they come into the free stall barn,” Mr Thubron said.
“Within the barn they have access to food, water, shelter and bedding, and outside the barn they have access to the irrigated pivot areas.
Mr Thubron said WADE’s animal welfare policy had received feedback and recommendations from the RSPCA.

WA Biggest Feedlot in Moora Dandaragan Shire

Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest to build WA’s biggest cattle feedlot

Canberra Times, February 17 2020 Aidan Smith

MILLIONS of dollars will be poured into road upgrades and drainage infrastructure prior to the building of the biggest cattle feedlot in Western Australia.

Twiggy Forrest

Andrew Forrest at Harvey Beef. Credit: Ian Munro/The West Australian

Harvest Road, part of Andrew Forrest’s Minderoo Group, has won approval from the State government’s Mid West Wheatbelt Joint Development Assessment Panel, which oversaw the application proposal by the Harvest Road Group to build a $51.9 million feedlot at its recently-acquired Koojan Downs property near Moora.
The property, which totals more than 7000 hectares over four lots, straddles the shires of Dandaragan, Moora and Victoria Plains.
Farm Weekly reported last year that Mr Forrest purchased Koojan Downs for about $5.5m, before acquiring neighbouring farms Avena Vale (1251ha), Damper Downs (1486ha) and Water Hill (1494ha) for a further $5m.
The Koojan Downs feedlot facility will be on 3751ha and would be designed to supply 60,000, 100-day grain finished cattle each year to Harvest Road’s processing facility Harvey Beef.

Harvest Road chief executive Greg Harvey said they were “pleased to have obtained development approval from the State government’s Mid West Wheatbelt Joint Development Assessment Panel for the Koojan Downs project, achieving a key milestone in the approvals process”.
“A number of additional local and State government approvals are required before construction can commence,” Mr Harvey said.
“Harvest Road Group aims to begin construction in March, following the receipt of remaining approvals and the award of construction tenders.
“One of the key strategic reasons behind the development of the Koojan project is the desire to fill a long-standing gap in the Western Australian cattle supply chain.

“The project is designed to help build resilience in the industry, which is more reliant on the live export market than east coast beef industries, by offering WA cattle farmers reliable, year-round WA-based demand.
“This will create value for the State by keeping more of the beef value chain onshore, increasing local jobs and the value of the product that is exported.
“The Harvey Beef plant will be expanded, resulting in an increase in both shifts and jobs.”
According to the assessment panel’s minutes the feedlot’s construction was supported because it aligned with the strategic objectives of the shires for jobs growth and economic development in the region, as well as meeting environmental conditions.
It was highlighted by Main Roads and the local shires that significant upgrades to road infrastructure would need to be undertaken to cater for the “average daily traffic increase of 263 vehicles” along the Bindoon Moora Road and Koojan West Road.
It is anticipated that 235 truck movements a week would occur on the roads for incoming cattle, feed, oil and supplement requirements, while 63 movements a week would occur for outgoing cattle to Harvey Beef for processing.
Light vehicle movements a week would number about 687.
According to the proposal the development “will be constructed in two 20,000 head of cattle stages, resulting in a 40,000 head capacity at a stocking rate of 18m2 per head”.

“Each stage will have associated feed delivery roads, cattle laneways, cattle handling facilities and hospital pens; supported by site-wide infrastructure that includes earthworks and drainage infrastructure throughout the site; an above ground truck weighbridge and associated office at the main entry to the site off Boundary Road; a turkey’s nest (above ground dam) to supply water to the intensive feeding facility; a feed mill and grain storage facility for processing grain feed; effluent dams and sedimentation ponds to manage wastewater disposal; a manure handling and storage pad; provision for a future 2.8ha solar farm; centre pivot irrigation systems that will utilise recycled water from the sedimentation ponds and effluent dams to support animal fodder growth; supply and installation of pipe work and water pumps throughout the site, including three production bores, two which will be ‘duty’ bores powered by the site electrical supply, whilst the third bore will be a backup only and fitted with a diesel generator supply; a new staff amenity building to complement the existing workers accommodation building on site and a new horse stables building and chemical storage building,” the proposal said.

While the first development phase would accommodate 40,000 cattle at any one time, a proposed second phase would double this capacity.
Harvest Road announced the plan in December last year, which it said would “establish a world-class cattle facility to develop lines of WA premium beef for local and international markets”.
The facility would see cattle raised using nutritional feeding programs and “implement a free-range inspired model, to provide the cattle with significantly more freedom to move than the current industry standard”.
Innovative cattle husbandry practices, as advised by world expert professor Temple Grandin, are proposed to deliver a radical improvement in animal welfare.

Harvest Road said the Koojan facility would be the most “innovative, cost efficient and high-quality cattle operation in WA”.
“It would fill a long-standing gap in the WA cattle supply chain and provide a viable and sustainable alternative to live export markets for local cattle producers,” Harvest Road said.
“It would also complement and advance WA’s existing feeding facilities.”
Mr Harvey said “WA by rights should be producing the highest quality beef in Asia”.
“We have a unique provenance as one of the most isolated and pristine agricultural regions in the world and WA needs to capitalise on that,” he said.

“Today’s food consumers are food citizens.
“They express their right to have ethically-produced foods that are clean and traceable.
“This project will build an international reputation for Western Australian beef that delivers a high-quality product to consumers with confidence.”
The Koojan facility would also provide local producers with year-round options to sell their cattle, as well as provide a premium and super premium market for WA cattle producers, including the development of 100-day, Angus and Wagyu lines.

Cataby Busy with Wind Farms and Mining

Fun and games in and around Cataby and Dandaragan township within the Dandaragan shire at the moment.
Yandin wind farm, 5km from Redgum Village in Dandaragan seems to be tracking along at the same time Iluka mine seems to be gathering momentum and throw in some major roadworks just to add a bit of flavour.

Certainly a boom patch for Cataby and the surrounding region.

Great to see Moora getting there fear share of the accommodation for the mountain of workers required for these projects.
One can only wonder what would be if Dandaragan had a few more shopping options.

Having said that in 12 months we might be back to quiet ole Dandaragan again, well perhaps not. When a region with-in a radius of 20km has two mineral sands mines and wind farm with another on the drawing board, they self-generate long term maintenance and other job opportunities.

They also breed / attract other sub industries to the area, which we are seeing here already.

There are more than just miners and wind farm contractors seeking accommodation at this time.
Would be great if the left hand spoke to the right hand and the powers that be could spread the work load… yeah right and we all know it doesn’t work that way.
One in all in, let’s do it all now. Wouldn’t have it any other way, would we?

Crikey that would make life and business to easy and that’s a no no in this day and age. C’mon behave yourself ole fella.


Redgum Village under the sails

Still renovations moving forward at Redgum, almost last of the original larger rooms getting their makeover and a bathroom. Add a bathroom or two and delete a shared bathroom block, or should I say re-decorate an unneeded communal bathroom block into a revamped laundry.

Redecorate the unused back of D Block communal kitchen into a gym etc..

Keeping the footprint of Redgum as original as possible and redecorating every room to 2020 expectations ( within reason and our own personal budget), Dam wouldn’t it be nice if a company said here is a couple mill, go build a new camp and any spare rooms we don’t need, go rent em out for the cost of food and wages only and we will maintain it and pay all the administration costs. Happy Days!

But if that happened, we wouldn’t have our own quirkiness ways, rules n regs, our choice of guests that suit our requirements and relaxation policy etc.. etc… la de dardy dah.

Hmmm but then again …….

Ha-ha damned if you do and damned if you don’t, we are who we are and we do the best we can with the tools we have.

Redgum Village is homely and comfortable and not owned by a multi-million dollar company.

Just us and our awesome quirky band of staff that really make Redgum what it is and we love it. Seems the majority of our guests do too. I did say majority, not all 😊

Very importantly, we do appreciate our mining guests from either mine when they are full and or a bit busy, Thankyou Iluka and Tronox because long term without you we would not be here. Its now been 20 years of existence in Dandaragan.


We thank all the wind farm subbies that are staying here and allowing us to refurbish Redgum Village while we work around you. Thankyou.


And yeah Redgum needed it 🙂


  • Contractors
  • Project Crews
  • Solo Operators
  • Open to the Public
  • Mine Camp Style 
  • All 98 Rooms En-Suited
  • Buffett Meals
  • All Meals Home Cook
  • Early Breakfast and
    Lunch Crib
  • 40 Person Barn Style Dining Room
  • Dining Rotation for 99 guests
  • High Level Health and Safety
  • Video surveillance in select locations
  • Want 5 stars call the Hilton in Perth.
  • We Supply Affordable Essential Accommodation – Comfortable Clean en-suited Bedrooms with King single or Queen Size Bed, Hot Shower Plenty Pressure Digital TV, Fridge, Reverse Cycle Air-con, Robe, Desk, Chair and All Linen-Towels 🙂
  • Privately Owned
  • Friendly Atmosphere.
  • Please NO Pets / Dogs

(61) 460 853 993

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Attention Contractors

Wind Farms In The Dandaragan Region

Emu Downs – Waddi – Yandin- Warradarge

Personalised Accommodation and Meals Packages

Customised to suit your requirements

L.A.F.A style accomm available

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The longer you stay

The Less You Pay

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