Rain rain go away come again another day, say that again and I’ll probably be tied up and shot by every farmer in Dandaragan.
I can hear the sighs of relief from every farmer and horticulturalist in the Dandaragan Moora region after many inches of rain have fallen over the shires in the last week.
The dry seeding has paid off ableit a bit late but better than nothing at all.
Horticulture is so big now in Moora and Dandaragan Shires with Olives booming again and Citrus nearing full swing, and yes they all need the mighty natural water from the sky as well as the dam water.
Farmers that have seeded their grain crops must surely be relieved and as we have had the Kaylx boys here plus the father and son quartet all seeding I’m sure they will be enjoying a relaxing beer now.
Yes its a bit cool and there will be a few frosts as per normal in June for the Moora Dandaragan Region but am sure that is all planned and catered for.
Next I suppose the spraying rigs will be getting a grease and oil, it never stops for too long, but hey at least there will be something to spray. Better than monitoring the dust levels. Don’t think there is too much demand for stunted wheat and juice-less oranges.
Talking to Jono at Lawson Grains (Walyoo) and there was certainly a drop in his stress levels and knowing “yep we got it right”. I’m sure he knew they had all along but its nice to get this rain as confirmation. All in a days work young fella.
As for Redgum yes the rain is great, the lawns will love it and that feeling of everything getting a good wash is always welcome. Just glad we have completed the bulk of external painting. The whole Village looks pretty good if I may say so myself, self praise better than none? well maybe not. Its just great that it has rained and there are smiles on farmers faces, that is important and great too see.
I know the Logsy’s guys got bogged doing there power pole run a couple days ago which I’m sure was annoying but that’s just a small side effect of a great rain, plus it gave them a day off 🙂