Redgum Village has had a massive upgrade

Over the last 6 months Redgum has en-suited every room to keep up with expectations for mine camp style accommodation.
The kitchen also has more modern appliances including a new combie oven (this certainly made our cook very happy)

Added store room with added walk-in freezer, with two we can keep all meat separate to other frozen items.
The serving area has been re arranged and all dining is in the 40 seat area where we tried out the Redgum Restaurant.
Dandaragan does not need a Restaurant so is now a lovely country barn theme Dining area for all onsite guests.

Many veranda’s have been upgraded and social gathering areas added to keep gatherings smaller and more of them

Around 200 trees and shrubs have been planted, more blue metal on driveways and parking, more truck parking areas and up the back a big clean up, tidy up, re skin of buildings, tree line on boundary, vertical garden in between buildings, clothes line area and chill out area to soak up the setting sun 🙂

Let the pics do the talking ….